Hawaiʻi Hall

NatSci Program and Curriculum Requests

All curriculum requests are reviewed by the CNS Program and Curriculum Committee (CNS PCC).

Review and approval process for curriculum requests:

Department > Dean's Office> CNS PCC > Associate Dean & Dean > OVPAE

Course Proposal Procedures

  1. Be sure to use current versions of UHM-1 and UHM-2 forms and follow the current UHM guidelines. Additional information on the curriculum planning and approval process may be found on the OVPAE website. Required: Justification for New Courses (UHM-1, box 19) Required: Justification for Course Modifications (UHM-2, box 10b) Faculty/Departments should work with their PCC representative to make sure the paperwork is filled out properly before submitting curriculum forms to the CNS Dean's Office.
  2. Each request should be submitted as a single pdf file including both the UHM form and any additional documentation. UHM forms must be completed using Adobe Acrobat Pro. The syllabus must be attached to all UHM-1 and UHM-2 forms. The OVPAE website has a sample syllabus template that identifies required items that should appear on the syllabus. 
  3. Proposals should be submitted, as email attachments, to lynnehig@hawaii.edu directly from the Department Chair or his designated representative. This is in order to ensure that the chair is aware of the proposal. Signatures are NOT required at the time of submission as corrections are frequently requested.
  4. File names should be of the form "CNS 999_V1.pdf". The version number (e.g. V1) should be modified if changes and revisions are requested by the Dean's Office or the CNS PCC.
  5. No signatures are required on the initial electronic submission. Once a UHM form has been approved, the Dean's office will work with the department chairs on getting signatures.
  6. Please enter "College of Natural Sciences" and "Alison Sherwood" in the "Approved By/1st College/School...Dean" fields.  
  7. Please enter the printed names of all other required signers in the appropriate fields. Do not enter a date on the signature line.

Questions? Contact Lynne Higa

Modifications to Existing Programs

The NatSci Program & Curriculum Committee reviews and makes recommendations on all requests to create or modify degree/minor/certificate programs. For program modifications, proposals must include a justification for the requested changes, as well as address any resource issues tied to the requested changes. You should also include a copy of the existing catalog entry, using red ink to indicate proposed change(s). Effective as of Spring 2018, departments must also include copies of program sheets and four-year plans that are marked to reflect the proposed changes. Completed proposals should be submitted to Lynne Higa.

Helpful Resources

Please find below links to NATSCI course usage by other units; viewable by college/school or by course.

NatSci Courses by College
(course usage by programs)

NatSci Degrees by Courses
(course by course details)

Program and Curriculum Committee Deadlines

Status of your curriculum requests - Spring 2025

To view in Google Drive - Click Here

Status of your curriculum requests - Fall 2024

To view in Google Drive - Click Here

Status of your curriculum requests - Spring 2024

To view in Google Drive - Click Here